mc escher encounter
This project tapped into my interests in psychology, fractals, puzzles and dreams. I love the work of MC Escher and thought it would be interesting to include encounter(the image above) as a reference for this work. I wanted to explore the idea of the shadow self, multiple versions of reality and the dream within a dream. Escher also included sacred geometrical objects such as different stellations of the dodecahedron in his work. These kinds of geometrical objects and ideas are present in much of my work.

libre novus detail
CG Jung has also been a continual influence on my work and thinking. Many of the pieces that I make and changes in my life have been based on following synchronicity. I had been reading the liber novus throughout the period when this work was made.
Ingmar Bergman’s Hour of the Wolf
In one way or another, Ingmar Bergman has been a big influence. There is a quality to his work that I find transfixing. Hour of the Wolf was an extremely affecting film for me and I know this sentiment shows up in my work.
Included above is the film’s trailer.
The music is a track titled “secret” from my 2021 album “interiors”. The music project goes by the name sleeplesswaves. Check it out at https://sleeplesswaves.com/